Basic Information Before Leaving Earth
When studying the Word (the Bible) Remember:
- Who is Speaking?
- Who are they speaking to?
- What are they speaking about?
- Keep things in Context.
- Keep things in Chronological order.
Always interpret every statement of Scripture literally, unless it states that it is NOT literal, or the Context shows it is NOT literal.
The closer you get to God’s Holiness, the more the cracks show up in your being and you see yourself as you really are (a sinner), and the further away from Him you feel you are. Because of this, the hardest thing for most humans to do is to realize and come to an understanding of just how much God really loves you and me, and wants to spend eternity with us. He loves us so much even with all the cracks and blemishes, faults, and flaws that He sent His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to take the penalty that should have been ours, and exchanged it for His Holiness, Goodness, and Love, so that we could spend our eternity with Him in Heaven instead of Hell, by simply taking Him at His Word and believing the Good News (Gospel Message) of the Death, Burial and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We must, however, come to realize that Jesus did it ALL, and we had absolutely NO part in it whatsoever! It is ALL of Him and NONE of us. We are saved by Grace Alone, through Faith Alone, in the Faithful, Finished, All Sufficient Cross Work (shed blood) of Christ Alone. Period. This is what the Scriptures teach if you apply the rules stated above correctly. He (God/Jesus Christ) did it ALL for us, we have NO part whatsoever in our salvation except to Trust, Have Faith, or Believe what the Scriptures tell us. In other words, NO WORKS at all on our part, and God cannot lie! Once you are saved you can work as hard as you want to out of LOVE for what was done FOR you, but that is NOT a requirement for your salvation or to keep you saved. God saves us and God keeps us saved and we can never be lost once we are saved. What a Blessing we have been given! If you haven’t, won’t you Believe and Trust Him Today for your Salvation?