Measureless Grace

Apr 22, 2024 | Keith Baldwin | Bible

Bible Study

The Grace of God, freely given to us believers because of Christ, is measureless. It is infinite in magnitude. If grace weren’t measureless and infinite, it wouldn’t be grace. Perhaps the easiest way to appreciate this is the contrast provided in religion. Men want to put a limit on the quantity of grace that God gives. That is religion. Religion will tell you to earn grace by rituals and sacraments, by human performance, merit, or production. But Paul calls grace, “exceeding riches” in Eph 2:7. “That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.” Notice that he says the same about God’s kindness. God is kind without measure, according to His Word. His grace is boundless and limitless. It is “exceeding riches.” Thayer’s Greek Definitions tells us that exceeding means: “to transcend, surpass, exceed, and excel.” Grace transcends; it excels the bounds of our imaginations. (And religious men have very little imagination.)

Paul tells Timothy that God’s grace is exceedingly abundant (1 Tim 1:14) and that whenever sin has abounded in the life of a believer, “grace has super-abounded exceedingly abundantly.” (Ro 5:20) Paul stretches the bounds of the Greek language for superlatives to describe the provision of grace to you and me. You don’t get a little grace every time you take communion, more grace by water baptism, a little more grace in marriage, and yet a little more by attending Mass, or saying five Hail Mary’s, and so on. You and I cannot gain a scintilla of additional grace by getting on our knees, whether once or daily, and giving God an exhaustive confession of every sin we can recall ever having committed. You believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and there is an avalanche of grace. Romans 5:2 says, “this grace wherein we stand…” Greek scholar, M. R. Vincent says, “Grace is conceived as a field in which we are brought.” There is grace encompassing every believer; we’re surrounded by it.

We, believers, were saved by grace. (Eph 2:8-9) We have been placed into grace. (Ro 5:2) We walk in grace. (Ro 8:1) We are kept in grace. (Phil 1:6) We cannot leave the sphere of His grace because grace is a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is said to be “full of grace and truth.” (Jn 1:14) And we are in Him! (Eph 1:3)

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Keith Baldwin

Keith has been a forty-year student of the Bible, leading Bible studies for over twenty-five years, including a men’s group for most of that time and a house church for ten years. He has taught God’s Word to beginners and advanced students. Keith has written a number of books with several, either in production or edits, and two published to date: Angels, Demons and the Nephilim, I and II. He and his beautiful wife, Kathy, have been married for thirty-eight years and have four grown children and seven grandchildren.
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